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Utrecht, Netherlands
number of employees
Leisure, Travel & Tourism
Teams Using Ombud:
Bid Management, Information Security, various business verticals across the organization
  • 30% increase in productivity in just 6 months
  • 16,000+ responses generated in the system
  • 46% reuse of content within first year of use
  • Noticeable increase in quality of responses when using Ombud
BCD Travel

BCD Travel Increases Quality of RFPs & Partners With Ombud

BCD Travel is a global corporate travel management company that helps customers book itineraries with preferred suppliers, provides online tools to ensure compliance with travel policies, and delivers data intelligence to monitor budgets and make strategic, ongoing program decisions.

With thousands of employees worldwide combined with meeting and events management and consulting services, there are many moving parts. BCD Travel has to stay on its toes to remain competitive against other major industry players by winning new business and retaining valued customers who rebid the business via RFPs.

Content Challenges

Unsatisfied Team
Clunky Search

Proposal writers did not like the previous system because it led to individual processes, snags with collaboration, and difficulty keeping content consistent.

The previous system did not import questions or proactively suggest responses, forcing manual processes with each query.

Support was limited to a set number of contacts with extra costs for exceeding maximum.

Costly Support

Ombud's Content Solutions

Easy & Intuitive Solution
Intelligent Database

Writers found Ombud easy to use and simple to navigate with innovative features—re-energizing the team and leading to more productivity within a few hours of training.

Machine learning made the difference between quick queries and automated suggestions. Making it easier to update the database, collaborate, and find training materials.

No extra cost for unlimited, highly responsive customer service support—fostering partnership and saving money, while expanding use case opportunities that drive better performance.

Customer-Friendly Support

Results After Ombud

Moving to Ombud was a game-changer: BCD Travel populates RFP responses more effectively, saving time in the sales process. Read the full case study here.

  • 30% increase in productivity in just 6 months
  • 16,000+ responses generated in the system
  • 46% reuse of content within first year of use
  • Noticeable increase in quality of responses when using Ombud
“Our sales team is getting more accurate and complete first drafts—making for less back and forth.”
Steven Baker
Director of Global Sales Cycle Support