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Boston, Massachusetts
number of employees
1,000 - 5,000
Communication Software
Teams Using Ombud:
Proposal Management, Solutions Consulting
  • 60% reduction in questionnaire response time
  • 150% increase in response volume, 0% increase in staff
  • 77% win rate for new proposals
  • One single employee now equals 150 questionnaires per quarter

GoTo Halves Security Questionnaire Response Time With Ombud

GoTo provides clients with secure, remote access to their computers, files, and applications from any device at any time. Its platform supports tens of millions of daily users and is in demand by companies of every size. 

With cybersecurity top of mind in today’s world, GoTo is faced with in-depth security questionnaires from prospective clients. The sales teams spent half of their time just answering these questionnaires, which was not sustainable in the face of expanding demand for collaboration and communications solutions.

Content Challenges

Constant Updates
Outdated Versions

Product growth combined with frequent software updates made a spreadsheet system unscalable across thousands of clients.

Old and incorrect content often sent the sales team into damage-control mode.

Without a single source of approved content, all responses had to be reviewed by subject matter experts, repeatedly.

Re-Inventing the Wheel

Ombud's Content Solutions

Automated Updates
Full Version History

Content is pinpointed and updated in real-time, all in one location.

Controlled access to all versions of previous responses ensures consistent, compliant delivery every time.

Team can access and collaborate in a single curated library of all authorized content 24/7 from anywhere.

Global Resource

Results After Ombud

With Ombud, GoTo maintains a centralized library of automatically updated security information approved by management. Read the full case study here.

  • 60% reduction in questionnaire response time
  • 150% increase in response volume, 0% increase in staff
  • 77% win rate for new proposals
  • One single employee now equals 150 questionnaires per quarter
"Ombud reduced response time by more than half, enabling our sales team to close more business."
Mike Bettencourt
VP of Solutions Consulting