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Phoenix, Arizona
number of employees
Healthcare Services
Teams Using Ombud:
Global Proposal Team, Various SME Groups
  • 11% increase in proposal response rate
  • 65% of content is reused in future proposals
  • No review needed - giving 97 business days back to the team
  • 157% increase in proactive content creation
  • 10x increase in curated content saved for future use
Magellan Health

Magellan Health Reclaims 100 Business Days | Ombud Case Study

Magellan Health, Inc. is a Fortune 500 leader in managing the fastest growing, most complex areas of health, including special populations, complete pharmacy benefits, and other specialty areas. As a result, answering all of the intricate requests from prospective customers was just as complicated. And as the number and complexity of proposals grew, turnaround times became shorter.

Content Challenges

Duplicate Efforts
Disconnected Content

Subject matter experts (SMEs) were answering the same questions repeatedly.

Piecemealing together emails and locally stored files was not scalable.

With no centralized status reporting, constant ad-hoc meetings were called to keep the team on track.

Too Many Meetings

Ombud's Content Solutions

Single Source of Truth
Reduced Time, Enhanced Quality

Having one platform for all content improved SME engagement.

Information is located quickly and ranked by relevancy; status reports and routine tasks are automated; proposal customization and formatting are simplified.

With a streamlined process, Magellan became more efficient and was able to shift time towards important projects and strategy.

Scrambling Turned into Strategizing

Results After Ombud

Magellan leverages Ombud to quickly locate relevant proposal content, pinpointing ideal responses out of many possible options. Read the case study here.

  • 11% increase in proposal response rate
  • 65% of content is reused in future proposals
  • No review needed - giving 97 business days back to the team
  • 157% increase in proactive content creation
  • 10x increase in curated content saved for future use
"We’re spending more time with subject matter experts now... they’re more willing to share."
Patrick Kaplan
Proposal Director